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Monthly Archives: September 2020
Bobcat 9_29_20
Two more fleetings shots of our resident bobcat. He likes to swing by in the late afternoon.
O. M. G.
So how are we all feeling this morning. Fresh and dewy eyed with abundant optimism? Or exhausted from a heaping pile of PTSD after an evening of abuse? Trump’s debate tactic was supposed to be a strategy of “coming out … Continue reading
Critters 9_20
Ravens, hummers and our first Tarantula sighting at Jabo Casa… and a coyote pup.
Eldo Odds 9_20
A nice tribute to RBG on the rail trail, a mystery plant (wolfberry?) I’m seeing all over the greenbelt and interesting rain cloud over the hood.
Sunset timelapse 9_22_20
Posted in Santa Fe, Timelapse sunset
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Bobcat 9_22_20
This old feller was drinking out of our bird bath this afternoon. My first sighting of a bobcat in Eldo. Just managed to get a shot of him sauntering off.
Posted in Garden, Santa Fe, Wildlife
Taos 9_21_20
Day trip up to Northern New Mexico see friends and spend a short time along the Rio Grande.
Posted in Expeditions, Music, New Mexico
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RBG 9_18_20
Anytime we lose a pillar of strength and an unwavering measure of what is right… we lose a giant hole in the fabric of who we are. These people have left far more than a memory or a page in … Continue reading
Rainbow cloud and sunset virga 9_15_20
Interesting “cloudbow” from the rain over the mountains. The sunset was graced by a passing cloud and a virga burst falling from it.